Following a few simple tips will help you to minimize the chances of an accident involving your automatic door, and will help you to take better care of your system. Explore our tips page below for professional advice.
How to Correct an Opener Malfunction
Many forms of opener malfunction can be caused by an insufficient supply of power. If your system fails to turn on, we recommend you first check your power supply. Although your unit may come with a battery back-up, it won't last for a prolonged period and if your unit has been accidentally unplugged, you will also soon lose power. You should check that you haven’t inadvertently engaged the vacation mode on your system.
How to Eliminate Garage Door Squeaks & Noise
The majority of automatic garage doors will operate with some degree of noise. However, if your system has developed a squeak or straining noise when operating, it is possible to correct this. The underlying cause is usually a lack of lubrication. Apply lubricant to all moving components and allow it to spread by operating the door. This will usually eliminate any squeaks but you should also check all fixings are securely fastened.
Conduct monthly inspections to check the condition of your garage door
Each and every part of your garage door can wear out due to constant use. You can avoid this by making monthly inspections on your door. Keep an eye out for each part - if an important component is getting considerably worn, you should probably think about replacing it.
Replace worn-out or damaged motor gears
These parts are essential for the operation of the opener. If they're not in good condition, you may be facing an impending breakdown which will require you to operate your door manually.
How often should I lubricate my garage door?
Certain parts like hinges, tracks and rollers are vulnerable to rust and regular wear and tear. This is why it's important to keep them lubricated to prevent damage and dents. If you're not sure how often to do this, about twice a year should be enough.
Replace or fix damaged tracks sooner rather than later
If your tracks are damaged, it's possible your rollers will have to work much harder than necessary. The door might jam and become a lot noisier. Small dents can possibly be fixed with a hammer and bent back into shape but if the problem is more serious or the tracks are significantly rusty, it may be best to have them replaced.